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sure man

(1 edit) (+2)

Wow I love the surrealism of this game! The art style is truly magnetic. I wasn't sure how to progress at first but it wasn't too hard to figure out and the difficulty felt fitting for how abstract the game is as a whole. Oh and I also didn't know there was a bullet hell section until I looked at the comments, and then I found the bullet hell section and I couldn't get past it because I'm terrible at bullet hell :D (seriously someone who got past it please tell me what happens after, idk if this game actually ends).

[EDIT - Lol never mind I just beat it]


how do i finish the first  level


This game is a masterpiece. The audio, the visuals, the gameplay and the characters. The dialog made me cry. I've played this game twice already and both times I had a completely different experience. It's beautiful, and I will continue playing this game until the end of me. I bought a whole new gaming PC, two GTX 1080 TIs, an i9 7900X, 128 gigabytes of RAM, making sure I can play this wonder at 8k 144 FPS. I don't just recommend this game, I'm telling you to play it. If you don't, you are missing out on the reason humans exist. Every single person should play this game. I will fight wars to make sure people can continue playing this game. I have stayed in my room since this came out, which is the day I wrote this, and I haven't talked to anyone except the NPCs in this game. I think this is the next step in human evolution. We will eventually all be plugged into a machine, like in the movie, "The Matrix", where this beautiful masterpiece will be our life. Every day, we will wake up in heaven. Every night, we will go to sleep on the copy-pasted textures on the ground. That soon will be the glorious reality, the reality we are meant to be in. Download this game right now, it should only take you a second, and play it. Enjoy it. Live it.




How to solve the hand puzzle at the last door?


Hands Zimmer


I cant reach the hand in the sea level




Nevermind, you actually have to make both of the clocks at 12 o clock.


Thanks, I'll try it


How, I cant die there


Walk against the left edge of the screen and spam jump




the intended way to do it is to die in the second level a bunch to make the clock there be 12 o'clock which carrys over to level 4


i did but i'm stuck in a weird level with a little girl a fish and tvs 


Very interesting work, respect.


It took a couple of minutes, but I figured out the end and thought it was an awesome concept and execution. The mixed media style visuals with the simplistic but intriguing gameplay mechanics went really well together. I love these concept games, it was a joy to figure out.


Really loved this! Such a wacky but immersive combination of music and art. Had that feeling of not knowing what was around the corner and I loved it, really immersive game, awesome job!


this is a fascinating game!

nice visuals, good use of the hand walking/jumping/embracing the other hand, and on how each level puzzle works: i also liked that if you fail in a level (like in the one with the spikes, it becomes easier: either by adding more hands in the bridge above the spikes, or by forming some other hand-shaped assistance)

i have to ask tho, in the level with the two clocks and the 2 big arms, is there a way for us to reach the hand ''door'' to the top right side of the level?

either way, its a great game, please make more games like this, and stay cool! 


make it so the times on the two clocks align(in other words, make them both 12 o' clock. the dying and resetting mechanic has more to it that you think)


did anyone else notice that the second room in the game where you have to kill yourself repeatedly so that more hands appear so you can use them to get to the last hand, the hands that appear after each iteration always have six fingers?


i also noticed that when i played that level, because i kept falling on the spikes.

in the end, the hand ''bridge'' was full of hands, and much safer for me to jump from, thus making me never hit the spikes again.

it is a clever detail of the game: if you fail, the game helps you to slowly get things done in an easier way/with each new attempt.

Deleted 1 year ago
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Hi, how you add a "Rate this game" button? I wonna too)


It was made for a game jam


yoshikage kira would love this game


kira yoshikage wants to know your location




this is really cool! love the aesthetics 


this game is reminding me of dan salvato's words upon reaching the true ending of ddlc

"Even if not a masterpiece, any game that attempts something wildly different may earn a special place in my heart. Anything that further pushes the limitless bounds of interactive media. "

this game was a truly different experience

This is weird as hell and I'm here for it!


I am so glad I checked the comments and found the bullet hell easter egg! For the people struggling with it, here's my tactic: (Disclaimer! It's not really hard but I'm an impatient person so I understand)

First kill the middle lady. She shoots twice as many bullets
Second kill the far right lady
Third kill the second woman on the right side
Fouth kill the far left lady
Fifth, kill the last one

That's how I did it after figuring out the patterns and what's easiest to dodge for me! Hope I helped!

This game was a fun experience, thanks for making it!

(1 edit) (+2)

Still can't figure out how to unlock the bullet hell game lol

edit nevermind, somehow the bullet hell game was unlocked when the time was something like 12:45ish, and the goldfish disappeared.




Not sure what I did, but the goldfish blocking the bullet hell hand/door suddenly disappeared after I "restarted" walking loops another 3-4 times.

I think it has to do with the time needing to be 12:45ish or maybe 6pm, not sure.


You are a life-saver


thank u, but it's so fcking difficult and every time i kill the middle lady, the othes suddenly start shooting more bullets than when i don't kill the middle one first??


I don't remember that, though it has been a bit since I played this... 
As long as they didn't add this after my playthrough I can confidently say it's worth it to kill her first. Though it took me SO many tries to beat these ladies like damn




мда симулятор загрузки хах 


Is there the ending? or its conceived as endless game,where you starting over infinitely? I kinda liked this actually,very bizarre game


so sick




hi! i'm loving the game so far, the visuals and the soundtrack are especially amazing. speaking of the soundtrack, would it be possible to listen to it outside of the game (particularly that amazing song playing in room with the woman wearing sunglasses with planets in the background and the rotating arms on the top of the screen, i've been trying to find for a few hours now but i just cant)? thanks in advance!


Thank you for your kind words about the game! At the moment, the soundtrack is all original and not available elsewhere. I'll consider options for making it accessible.

(1 edit) (+2)

I've decided to release it on YouTube. You can find the link at the bottom of the game's description.


Hi! We played your game on stream and really enjoyed it!


well how do you get pass the scene with the many-handed statue?


I just kept shaking random hands and eventually got the door unlock sound and the credits, no idea if there's a correct way to puzzle through it.


lol i got through those hands and... somewhat there's a hidden bullet hell minigame


Thanks for mentioning that, I played it again and the way to the bullet hell game was open this time.

(1 edit) (+3)

How do I get to the hand on the right in the ocean segment?

EDIT: Never mind, found a way!


how did you do that??


Set the time to 12 o clock

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

I kept failing the previous levels until the world doesn't alter any further. Speedyskier22 is lying.

I guess speedyskier22 was right after all. Tried altering the time on my IRL computer to 12 AM and PM, but it didn't seem to work. Guess I was just lucky.


altering computer time would be wayyy too complicated lol


It's not computer time, there's a way to set the in-game clock time on another screen.


which is...?



Juvpu bgure cntr fubjf n pybpx? Jung pna lbh qb gurer?

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